New Stuff

November 2023, Some Recent Writings on AI and on Platform Stability

AI — well, AITs, with a focus on commercial use

“Review of: Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans, and Avi Goldfarb: Power and Prediction: The Disruptive Economics of Artificial Intelligence” Business Economics, Forthcoming

“What innovation paths for AI to become a GPT?,” Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 32, April 2023. Written for an early 2022 Conference. Link

“Artificial Intelligence Technologies and Aggregate Growth Prospects,” (2018) forthcoming in Prospects for Economic Growth in the United States, John W. Diamond and George Zodrow, eds., Cambridge University Press. Written for a 2018 Conference, book someday. Link

Platform Stability

“Heterogeneous Applications and Platform Market Stability: Mobile Apps” with Pai-Ling Yin and Joe Orsini. Link